Scher and Bloom family

Rebecca with Dora
- to see a map of Lithuania with Pandelys
was born in Pandelys (formerly Ponedel) Lithuania 3rd
March 1879 and died in Johannesburg South Africa 31st December 1961.She
said her maiden name was Bloom which was in fact the maiden name of her
mother. Her father was Savil Scher(Scheer Sher) also from Pandelys.
Rebecca married Aaron in Manchester 29th December 1901 and her
certificate has the name Rebecca Bloom. Thereafter she always said her
maiden name was Rebecca Bloom. In those days children were
occasionally registered under the mother's maiden name or perhaps she
decided it was better than Scher-who knows?
Michel Scher from Pandelys Lithuania was the father of Savel Scher.
Savel Scher was born 1844 in Pandelys and died 1907 in Riga. He was
married to Ella Blum who was born in Pandelys 1846 and died 1928 in
Riga. Her father was Meyer Blum from Pandelys.
They had 5 children born in Pandelys. They moved to Riga but I do not
have the date od the move.
Sarah born c 1869
Rebecca b 3 March
1879 died 31st December 1961 in Jhb South Africa
Bluma born 1882
Abel b 1884
Rachel b 1890